>Welcome to the municipality of Sarpsborg!

Welcome to the municipality of Sarpsborg!

Publisert: 06.01.2025

Sarpsborg is located in the centre of Østfold county, close to both Oslo and Sweden, with 80 kilometers of coastline towards the Oslofjord. Sarpsborg has 60.000 citizens.

Visit us

If you are thinking about visiting or moving to Sarpsborg, feel free to contact our Service Centre by e-mailfacebook, phone (+47 69 10 80 00) or stop by the Service Centre for a chat. (Address: Glengsgata 38, 1706 Sarpsborg). We will try our best to answer your questions.

Out-door activities

The municipality of Sarpsborg is about 425 square kilometers in total, lakes and islands included. The landscape is welcoming, with lush meadows, deep forests and calm waters. The opportunities when it comes to out-door activities are multiple: Swimming, fishing, canoeing, biking, hiking, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding - to mention a few.

Day care and kindergartens

There are approximately 50 day care centres in Sarpsborg, both municipal and private. Children from age one to five may attend this service.

Due date for applications is March 1st (main admission). Children will then be offered places in day care centres the following August.

In the supplemental admission it is possible to apply throughout the year.

All applications are administred by Sarpsborg municipality. The application form is the same for both municipal and private day care.

If you have any questions, or if you need help filling in the above form, please contact the Service Centre (phone +47 69 10 80 00).


Sarpsborg municipality is in charge of the daily operation of primary schools and lower secondary schools.

There are 18 primary- and secondary schools located throughout the municipality. The total number of pupils is approximately 6.500.

Children in Norway must attend school for ten years. Children start school in August the year they turn six. All public primary education and lower secondary education is free.

If you have any questions regarding schools and schooling in Sarpsborg, please contact our Service Centre (phone +47 69 10 80 00).

Health and welfare

The health and welfare sector of Sarpsborg municipality offers a wide range of services.

If you or someone in your family need assistance from the local authority regarding health and welfare, you can contact our Service Centre: +47 69 10 80 00.

If there is an emergency (serious illness), call 113.

Otherwise, if you do not have a doctor, you can call Legevakta in Sarpsborg: 116 117.

Millennium anniversary

The history of Sarpsborg is long and rich. The town was founded in the year 1016 by the Norwegian king Olav Haraldsson, later known as St. Olav (St. Olaf). Sarpsborg celebrated its millennium anniversary in 2016.